Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Signature Assignment Part 2

Signature Assignment Part 2

Q Signature Assignment Part 1COMPETENCY: PERSONAL GROWTH AND CULTURAL LITERACY KEY INDICATOR 2: STUDENT DEMONSTRATES ETHICAL SELF-AWARENESS. Level Score Requirements Blank Indicates an assignment was not submitted. 0 Indicates submission of an assignment that does not allow for sufficient or appropriate scoring of skill, for example, an assignment that plagiarized. Beginning 1 Student states either their core beliefs or articulates the origins of the core beliefs, but not both. Emerging 2 Student states both core beliefs and the origins of the core beliefs. 3 Student discuss in detail/analyzes both core beliefs and the origins of the core beliefs. Proficient 4 Student discusses in detail/analyzes both core beliefs and the origins of the core beliefs and discussion has greater depth and clarity. Assignment: (10% of final grade) One of the most important goals/benefits of participating in a Term Abroad to a foreign destination is the change experienced regarding one’s preconceptions, and the broadening of one’s cultural understanding. Sometimes what we expect of the world, beyond the little piece we reside and operate within, is something very different than what we encounter when we experience other places and people. Sometimes our preconceptions, expectations, and prejudices are entirely overthrown, hopefully for the better. In this assignment you will be writing a reflection paper in 2 parts. Part 1: Share the beliefs about the people, places, and cultures associated with your Term Abroad destination that you held prior to your travels. What prejudices and prior expectations did you hold? Where do you think you got those beliefs or expectations from? (This part of the reflection can be written prior to departure if your travel dates fall after the start of the semester. If you travel early, try to give an honest account of your views before travelling.) Part 2: Reflecting on your experiences abroad, how were your prejudices and expectations validated, altered, or overturned? How did your initial beliefs line up with the real situation you encountered? Were you surprised? How has this experience changed your worldview and core beliefs? Please give specific examples and an honest self-evaluation.

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As I went through the various virtual tours throughout Italy, most of my prejudices and expectations were validated and reinforced. A primary example of such is my preconception of their love of food and wine. Throughout the tour, various video clips featured various Italian cuisines, delicacies, and drinks. It was incredible to see the various procedures the locals employ to craft the finest quality produce, from organic vegetables to exquisite cheeses and wines. There is also the fact that the country is bursting full of marvelous art and architecture. The number of magnificent masterpieces in various places across the country made it hard to focus on a single work, especially when the tour features a 360° tour in a museum or a church with multiple stunning chapels. Almost the entire virtual trip was filled with beautiful buildings and artworks that also tell the rich history of the country.